After Kakka Kakka and Gharshana, the song that is Khwabon Khwabon here, is as good as it was back in 2003 and 2004. Yes, it has the potential to be a rage here as well, especially with the Gibberish Suchitra is performing for the third time. Do listen.
The next, Chahoon bhi is nothing less than awesome. Bombay Jaishree sings the gem with her usual superbness, but when Karthik enters the song, the quality goes only up. A superb, lovely, slow, must-listen number. Hats off to Harris Jayaraj. As far as I know, it’s a new composition by him. Let me know if I am wrong there.
Dum hai to Aaja, composed by Lalit Pandit and sung by Mahua Kamat, is a simple tune with not-too-hard rock style. Lalit Pandit is not too great with his music, nor are the lyrics too great. Mahua could be better, and the same goes for the song.
Main Chali, again a composition of Harris, clearly states his re-entry in the album within seconds. The song sung by Naresh Iyer and Shreya singing reminds me of the earlier days of Rahman, or to some extent Ghajini in its arrangement. Totally worth a try, especially for the variety of music he has put in one song. And yes, it is Shreya Ghoshal only, a little difficult to believe at some points, even though she sings in her typical style.
For the last song again, you don’t need the album’s cover to decide who has composed this one. Harris this time brings in Vijay Prakash, Shalini Singh and Neha Bhasin for Dil ki hai Tamanna. The music is light and simple, with basic, light arrangements, while vocals take priority once again, and Vijay Prakash just amazes with his voice. Neha Bhasin’s voice is well used too.
Overall, Force is awesomeness from Harris. The only thing I am wondering about is why the producers asked Lalit for a song. With this kind of music, even Munni would not fit well.
If you’re one for quality music, Go. Buy.
Force MP3 Songs (right click and save target as)
(save as mp3 to avoid clashes)
- Khwabon Khwabon K.K, Suchita
- Chahoon Bhi Karthik & Bombay Jayashree
- Dum Hai To Aaja Mahua
- Main Chali Naresh Iyer & Shreya Ghoshal
- Dil Ki Hai Tamannna Vijay Prakash, Shalini Singh, Neha Bhasin
"Force" has great music. I specially liked the song "Khwabon Khwabon" a beautiful song with good lyircs. Thanks for adding these songs.
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