Ghajini is a 2008 Bollywood film directed by A.R. Murugadoss and produced under the Geetha Arts banner by Allu Aravind. Releasing on December 25, 2008 in India, it stars Aamir Khan, Asin and Jiah Khan in lead roles. It is alleged to have been plagiarised from the Christopher Nolan cult favourite Memento.
Set and mostly filmed in India, Ghajini is a romantic thriller which explores the life of a once rich businessman, now suffering with short term memory loss, seeking revenge over the man who killed his fiancee. Parts of the film were shot in the Deadpan Desert of Namibia, the first time an Indian film has been shot in the country and in Cape Town, South Africa.
Set and mostly filmed in India, Ghajini is a romantic thriller which explores the life of a once rich businessman, now suffering with short term memory loss, seeking revenge over the man who killed his fiancee. Parts of the film were shot in the Deadpan Desert of Namibia, the first time an Indian film has been shot in the country and in Cape Town, South Africa.
Aamir Khan as Sanjay Ramaswamy
Asin Thottumkal as Kalpana
Jiah Khan as Chitra
Riyaz Khan as Police Officer
Ghajini Mp3 Songs
Asin Thottumkal as Kalpana
Jiah Khan as Chitra
Riyaz Khan as Police Officer