Sunday is the upcoming movie of director Rohit Shetty, of ‘Golmaal’ and ‘Zameen’ fame. It has been produced by Kumar Mangat and Sunil Lulla, while the cinematography has been done by Aseem Bajaj. The star cast of the movie boasts of established actors like Ajay Devgan, Arshad Warsi, Ayesha Takia, Irfan Khan and Mukesh Tiwari. The movie revolves around Ayesha Takia, who gets a hint that, her life is in danger. She calls the cops and the investigation leads to something that she couldn’t have even imagined.
Ayesha Takia is Sehar who seems to having lost one Sunday of her life, with no idea as to what happened on that day. Suddenly, one day she finds a clue about that missing Sunday and comes to know of the possibility of an attack on her life. This is when Ajay Devgan comes into picture, as Rajveer (an ACP - Assistant Commissioner of Police). He takes up the case of Sehar and starts to pick up the loose ends of the case, trying to make sense out of what exactly happened on that ill-fated ‘Sunday’.
While solving the case, he comes to know that on that particular day, a number of people met Sehar and interacted with her. This leads him to presume that one of them might be the accused, who can solve the mystery of the missing Sunday. The people whom Sehar met on that day include Arshad Warsi or Ballu - the taxi driver and Irrfan Khan or Kumar - Ballu’s friend who also happens to be one of the struggling actors of NSD. Also included in the list of suspects is Anjana Sukhani or Ritu, who is a very close friend of Sehar.
At the same time, she is also a very weird as well as scary character who resides in the same society as Sehar. Last but not the least is the group of people that Sehar had come across, when she was partying at a discothèque. In the process of solving the case, Rajveer also stumbles upon a murder case and the mystifying part is that in this case, the clues point towards Sehar as the culprit. What happened on the missing Sunday? Is Sehar really a murderer trying to cover her own tracks? Find answers to all these questions when Sunday releases at the theaters near you!